Play Pretty

"Play Pretty"
5 x 7" oil on board

A few years ago, my grandpa and I built this guitar. He had given me my first guitar, taught me how to play, and was always extremely encouraging.

Before he passed away, he told me to 'play pretty'-unkowingly naming the guitar that we had crafted together.

In this painting, I used bright, happy yellows to represent the memories that I have of him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! I love this one - it's meaningful and looks great.

11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you have definitely lived up to Grandpa's wish for you!

Whether you are strokin' the strings or the paint, you're always communicating harmony, rhythm, and balance in such interesting and original ways.

I'm so proud of you!
And he would be too.

Keep playin' the colors and painting the music!
~a fan

1:45 PM  

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