Without Further Adieu...
"Spider Bite"
24 x 36" oil on antique window
Well, it's finally here! The moment we've all been waiting for. My painting a day blog!--Thanks to Duane Keiser for the great idea!
On this blog, I will be posting little 5x7, 5x5, and 6x6 paintings that I create for the world to see along with a little blurb about the artwork. My paintings will portray everyday life as I see it, and vary in style and subject.
For my very first one, I decided to paint a field with some haystacks. I saw this scene driving throught Franklin, TN one day and just had to capture it. I titled it 'spider bite' because that's what I got standing in the field to take the photo. Enjoy!
YAY Josh....I really like that paiting!! Your doing a great job!!
rock on dude.. lookin' good!
Hey Josh,
Just discovered this from Shaun's blog :) I've always loved the impressionist and you are right on there! Love the "Spider Bite"..reminds me of some of my favorite Monet's.
Just wandered over from Barbara's site. I love the Haystacks piece. It speaks to me. ;)
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